
Moved to Astro 🚀

Recently I discovered Astro as a new way to build websites that host static content. Since the previous version of this blog was a way for me to try out Next.js. It was fun to see the differences between the two.

The move was pretty simple, but I do not know how happy I am with the way to integrate client-side functionality like the color scheme switching. There is probably a better way to do it, but right now I am using a Preact component that is client:only.

I also think overriding my old Git repo with this new project was not the smartest move, since I had to tweak some things in Vercel that would have probably worked out-of-the-box if I would have put the project in a new repo.

But nice to check out a new and shiny ✨ framework. I will probably post again when this blog has moved to some other new tech in about a year 😉.

Update: I removed all Preact additions and accepted some limitations 🫣